
B112 – Turquoise/ Mid-Tone Royal Blue
For those who are seeking their true purpose - why they are here and how to get in touch with what is asked of them.

B113 – Emerald Green/Mid Tone Olive – Archangel Cassiel
B113 Archangel Cassiel is associated with Saturn. Cassiel rules the Sabbath or the day of rest, the pause in our week for reflection. The combination of Emerald Green/Mid Tone Olive brings together the journey from the solar plexus towards the heart. It gives us the opportunity to make that transition to a new level of hope as we let go of the disappointments of the past. The resentments and bitterness transformed, not to wishful thinking but to a new sense of hope

B114 – Mid Tone Coral/Deep Magenta – Archangel Raguel
The primary focus of B114 is human relations, the way we relate to one another. There are so few who can just let one another be. Perhaps this is because so often we don’t let ourselves be so it becomes difficult not to have expectations of one another. In this sense we can rely on Raguel to be a mediator, aiding or restoring harmony where there has been dis harmony.

B115 – Orange / Red – Archangel Khemiel and Ariel
Archangel Khemiel is to be thought of as having an elevated status in relation to the order of all angels. With Khemiel there is a possibility getting a glimpse of something of the source, to gain insight in to the essence of all that is. Chamael and Khemiel may be considered as different aspects of the same being.

B116 – Royal Blue / Magenta – Queen Mab
Royal Blue invites us to see ourselves more clearly, and rather than focusing on the external projections of ourselves, it supports us to look within. As the Royal Blue is now linked in this bottle with the Magenta in its bright form, not Deep Magenta as in B0, it is also encouraging us to look without judgement at what we see in ourselves.

B117 – Turquoise / Red – Pan
I'm excited for the birth of our new bottle and it feels like another really important step in the evolution of the system. Turquoise/Red and called Pan, almost the expression of the consort to Queen Mab, a wonderful moment in time (11/11), there's so many openings for us, doorways to levels of being as the 11 is always a doorway.
When this bottle comes to be it comes through an open door predicting and inspiring us towards that which is to come.

B118 – Pale Coral / Pale Violet – Echo
In the wake of this tumultuous, uncertain time, the arrival of Echo can support us in finding the gold within, loving ourselves and letting go of fear.

B119 – Orange / Deep Magenta – Ceres
The number 20 has been very significant this year, in Aura-Soma bottle 20 is the Star Child. In a sense this bottle represents the difficulties of the child, the shock, the traumas, all the difficulties on the timeline, ancestrally and in relationships. When we consider the Star Child (B20) we also consider Sandalphon (B98) the return journey of the 20 and the reverse of Echo (B118); there´s a sense that in Ceres something very significant has the potential to be reversed. The Red/Violet B19 always reminds me of George Harrison's song, “Living in the material world”. It's almost as though everyone on the planet has been challenged by this. How do we live in the material world in 2020? Our whole appreciation has been changed and challenged.

B120 – Clear / Orange – Persephone
'As Demeter represents the immortal soul of the Earth, Persephone represents the immortal soul of humans. Persephone got abducted by Pluto from the immortal World's down to the Earth and by that she/we lost our natural clairvoyance which led to our increasing 'I' development.' Rudolf Steiner

B121 – Lime Green / Orange – Pluton
Preparations for a more conscious approach by accepting ourselves at the deeper level of ourselves to know that there are unconscious patterns that create conditions in our lives that we need to look at to be able to transcend or work with or find the gift within, the potential for the deepest joy, bliss, if we can plumb the truth within ourselves.

Poseidon – B122 – Bright Magenta / Lime Green
We're facing a time when Earth changes are really taking place and known within the Greek pantheon as the ‘Earth Shaker’, Poseidon has a connection with earthquakes and geopathic and seismic activity. It is interesting for him to be following Pluton in the unfoldment of Aura-Soma as both have a noteworthy connection with an expression of conflicts in the world.