
B32 – ROYAL BLUE / GOLD Sophia
Clarity in relation to the
wisdom that lies within. A message from the stars.

B33 – ROYAL BLUE / TURQUOISE Dolphin bottle, Peace with a Purpose
Clarity and playfulness, spontaneity and joy. A clear expression of heartfelt communication.

B34 – PINK / TURQUOISE Breath of Venus
Getting in touch with the beauty that emerges through self acceptance from the feeling side of being.

B35 – PINK / VIOLET Loving Kindness
Transformative and
unconditional love in the service of others. Love from above.

B36 – VIOLET / PINK Charity
Caring, warmth and kindness
towards oneself extended into the world.

B37 – VIOLET / BLUE The Guardian Angel comes to Earth
A transformative, peaceful and
nurturing communication from above, that may be of benefit both for oneself and others.

B38 – VIOLET / GREEN Troubadour 2, Discernment
Inner transformation through letting go of the past enables the expression of truth from the heart

B39 – VIOLET / GOLD Egyptian Bottle 2, The Puppeteer
Transformative wisdom and
compassion brings a sense of deep joy and understanding.

B40 – RED / GOLD The “I Am” bottle
Awakening to the wisdom within brings the energy of
expansion, enthusiasm and growth.

B41 – GOLD GOLD The Wisdom Bottle, El Dorado
Wisdom realised and shared as the cup being continually filled from within overflows into the world.

B42 – YELLOW / YELLOW Harvest
Intellectual clarity, joy and
happiness brings the understanding of self awareness.

Creative communication
through the feeling side of being as the process of individuation unfolds.

B44 – LILAC / PALE BLUE The Guardian Angel
The sense of a presence. Being in the moment enables
clarity in communication.

B45 – TURQUOISE / MAGENTA Breath of Love
The gift of the coming and going of the breath, moment to moment, and the flow of creativity and love from above through the feeling
side of being.

B46 – GREEN / MAGENTA The Wanderer
Putting our love into the little things enables an inner expansion to reveal the truth of the heart.

B47 – ROYAL BLUE / LEMON The Old Soul bottle
Intellectual clarity and the gift of understanding which comes through the Emerald
of the Heart.